Office Wall Art Decor – The Potential Power

The ambiance of an office can be altered by the type of wall art that is placed up. Wall Art can be the opening for a conversation which can often break the ice, for new clients. The type of Art can reflect the nature of the business in which you are operating.

Which Wall to Choose?

Sometimes it can be a bit tricky to position wall art and it needs some consideration. With reflection, you can decide on maybe the wall that is closest to the entry point of your office. And perhaps choose a wall that is within the main function of the office, behind your workstation or desk.

The colors that the wall is painted can also help make the painting stand out in the room. Using soft colors in the backdrop can allow for a painting that is very busy such as an abstract or bright-colored modern piece of art. In contrast, a bright vibrant colored wall can showcase a soft-colored landscape painting.

The Impact of Wall Art on the Employee

Enhancing the wall with art can also provide a creative environment for the employees of the office. Wall art can boost morale and productivity. Research has suggested that strategically placed wall art in the office can improve the overall well-being of workers.

Wall art can stimulate the employee’s creativity and enhance moods. Additionally, the use of wall art can reflect the company’s brand and culture, giving a unique identity to the organization. This gives way to staff collaboration which strengthens their partnership and connections to the business. Wall art has the ability to stimulate the idea of diversity and inclusiveness.

Hand Painted or Print Paper Copies

When deciding to hang a painting there are some things to consider around placing a hand-painted painting or a copied print. Sometimes paintings that are painted in oil or acrylic can have a very captivating feel to them different from copied paper prints.

The visual dimension can often be more deep and entrancing in a hand-painted piece of art compared to a copied paper print. The texture can be felt with hand paintings, showing different layers to the artist’s portrayed perspective.

A few aspects also about wall art to consider is how easy is it to keep clean and fresh looking. Hand-painted wall art, in particular using mediums like oils on wood can easily be cleaned. Simply wiping with a soft cloth with warm water.

Watercolor wall art could be sprayed with a coat of clear varnish, which will protect it through some years. Acrylic paintings on canvas could also be sprayed with a clear varnish. (But you must be careful with choosing, as some varnishes will turn yellow over time, it is recommended to get a quality brand).

The situation with printed paper copies of wall art is that you would need the paper art to be laminated with a thick plastic coating to easily wipe clean.

What themes suit you best?

There are definitely some motives to look at the theme of art for your office wall. You may be looking for calming energy that can be noticed in landscape paintings, and a realism scene may be very neutral. A landscape painting that is surreal in appearance can lead to a more imagined perspective of a landscape painting.

Then there is art that depicts open-minded thinking, like abstract artwork. There is uniqueness in the art that requires the viewer to have patience in reading the meaning behind the artist’s subject matter.

Modern art is considered contemporary and can also have a feeling of escape or sometimes even serenity or fun lightheartedness when peering into the painting. Some portraits of people can be painted in this way as Erica Golding has painted portraits of her husband Hicham in her Acrylic painting The Soccer Star. Personal traits of the subject are still emphasized or highlighted, such as the style of the hair.

The Soccer Star Acrylic Painting

Does Size Matter?

It is not necessary to have extra large pieces of artwork on the wall, unless in a very large space or a room with high ceilings. Often a gallery collection of smaller paintings on the wall can achieve a mosaic appearance, which can be very interesting to contemplate.

Smaller-sized framed wall art can also be used to sit on a front office desk complimenting a vase of flowers or beside the desktop computer. It can create a spark of interest immediately for the visitor to the office.


It may be an idea to look at all the positive effects that wall art can offer the work office for generating a stimulating environment very carefully. I would say that the ambiance of the office space can be completely modified by selecting artwork with deliberate intention.

It is a good idea to perhaps consider an interior decorator or the artist themselves for helping with ideas to decorate your work office with the right wall art.

I would not hesitate to also look through art journals, art galleries, and art on websites such as those offered by Silverflamze.

Please when choosing wall art, take time to understand your reasons behind why and what you are trying to achieve in the office space.

If you need help in deciding on wall art for your office space, you can reach me at my email or leave a comment at the bottom of this article and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thanks very much for reading my article on office art decor and the potential power!

Kind regards

Erica Golding

Erica Golding ~ The jewelry designer producing heirlooms for future generations.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Dave

    You made a great point about how the right artwork can create a positive and inspiring work environment, which can in turn boost employee morale and productivity. As someone who works in an office, I can definitely attest to the fact that a well-decorated workspace can make a big difference in how I feel about coming into work each day. It’s great to see that there are so many creative and unique options available for office wall art decor, and I appreciated your suggestions for incorporating art into different types of workspaces.

    1. Erica

      Hello Dave, 

      Thanks so much for your message about how you feel when going to an office that has been decorated by artwork. It is great to hear how you benefit from being around art in your office.

      I appreciate your consideration in reading my article, thanks.

      Kind regards


  2. Elridge

    Art is a statement meant to invoke feelings within the person viewing the art. The office space I have in my home is dedicated to nautical type art and seascapes. While I do sometimes entertain clients in the space, the art I am surrounded by gives me a feeling of both calm and escape.

    While some people may want different types of art to promote a particular environment in the office, Again I try to think about the statement the artist is trying to convey and how it may fit in with my décor. I do have a medieval-themed room and the art décor there is just amazing. Another person who is not crazy about that type of art might not have the same decorating ideas. Thanks for the ideas you have presented here. 

    1. Erica

      Hello Elridge, 

      I appreciate your kind thoughts here about placing artwork in the office. Yes you are right art is a very personal thing that conjures different feeling for everyone and it is a very unique experience.  It is very nice to read about the themes you have chosen for your office thanks so much for sharing.

      Kind regards


  3. Ian

    Very well written Erica! You have made very interesting points.

    1. Erica

      Thanks very much Ian for your review of my article about wall art decor, I appreciate the kind comments.

      Kind regards

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