Since ancient times Sterling Silver was used and cherished and considered very precious. Not only for its value but for its unique chemical qualities. Sterling Silver was essential for the King’s and Queen’s dining tableware!
Yes, indeed Sterling Silver is valuable and unique!
What is Sterling Silver Jewelry and how precious is it? Read on to find out.
What is Sterling Silver Jewelry made of?
Silver is a pure precious metal and Sterling Silver is an alloy consisting of 92.5% pure silver and usually 7.5% of copper. Sterling Silver jewelry is predominately made with this alloy mix to retain durability and strength. Rather than using Fine Silver 99.9 which is too soft for jewelry purposes.
Fine Silver 99.9 is recognized as an investment! The metal is on the metal trade market and commodities and is bought and sold as trade stock. Sterling Silver jewelry is valued for its appeal and antiquity over time.
Silver is more electrically conductive than Gold and Copper, however, it is reactive and hence why it will tarnish over time or with using shampoos and chlorine. But silver does not rust, it merely darkens in color with time and can easily be polished and cleaned.
The conductivity in Sterling Silver jewelry has been known to people to wear for health benefits such as circulation. The other major health aspect of Silver is that it is an antiseptic and is now used commonly in band-aids for healing wounds faster.
Hence, this is also why so many loyal Sterling Silver jewelry fans wear silver because it can be therapeutic and resonates with healing benefits.
The History of Silver
Silver in its pure state, which is usually found near Gold, Copper, or Lead was first discovered around 5000 BC. The ancient city of Anatolia performed large-scale mining during 3000 BC.
The ancient people monetized it back then trading with it. During the period of the ancient Egyptians, apparently silver was rarer than Gold.
Which was prized for being shiny and precious. It was hence used to nominate the importance of Gods.
During the middle ages, silver was sculptured in many decorative items such as goblets, and serving trays. It was renowned for its antiseptic values to keep diseases at bay such as the plague.
Also during this time, silver was used in many religious artifacts such as blessing water vessels and crosses for altars. Also, silver is worn as ceremonial jewelry.
It was during the 1840s that Silver was first found in South Australia, near Glen Osmond in which Australia’s first mine was born.
Prior to this in 1813, Spanish Silver coins were shipped to Australia as the first form of currency.
It was later in 1825 that the British Parliament passed the ‘Sterling Silver Money Act’. This consequently made British coins the only legal tender in Australia. Which was shipped after being made at the Royal British Mint.
What else is Sterling Silver used for?
As mentioned Silver has been used as the main source of trading such as coins, jewelry, and tableware. Silver was very necessary for photography, especially before digital.
Silver was used in the film and photo paper to produce the images. Despite the decline in the use of silver in film, in some developing countries silver is still used in X-Rays. Silver paste is used in modern electronics and one of the most prevalent uses is in solar boards for solar energy.
The paste is also used in iPhone. Around .34 grams can be harvested from old devices.
Silver really can be found in any electronic apparatus usually in the on/off switches. This can be electronic toys, TV, radios, and even light switches.
A very remarkable quality of silver is it has antibiotic effects and is used in modern medicine. Silver is used in bandages, in ointments, and also used as colloidal silver to take internally.
Silver is now used as a coating on breathing tubes, and even on artificial bones. This is all because it keeps bacteria at bay and helps promote hygiene.
Can Sterling Silver Jewelry be Valuable?
In a brief Yes most certainly Sterling Silver Jewellery can be valuable! It is graded by the weight of the piece of jewelry. Also if any gemstones have been used in the design.
Sterling Silver can be sold to a metal refiner, whereby the weight of the jewelry is measured and then melted down in a refinery.
Which then is cast into recycled raw Silver. However, before melting down, consider the antiquity of the piece of jewelry.
Is it hallmarked with company stamp 925? As it may well be a rare piece of jewelry, that was produced a long time ago. Which would definitely increase the value.
Sterling Silver jewelry also can be sold privately or at auctions. The value really depends on there being a buyer prepared to invest in the piece for their collection.
As it stands today in writing this article Sterling Silver 925 is valued at $940.00 AUD per kilogram. That is .94 cents a gram.
It was probably the highest time on record in January 1980 that Sterling Silver was valued at around $2390.00 AUD per kilogram. Which is about $23.90 a gram.
It really is a valuable commodity and well worth investing in, for the future market may rise again, and now is the time to invest!
Contact me at my Email for assistance with selling your jewelry on consignment. Please look through Silverflamze for unique heirlooms in sterling silver.
Coming soon sterling silver tableware.
Overall I believe the value of Sterling Silver jewelry and tableware is only going to increase with demand.
More and more people are becoming aware of the traditional longevity of silver and it has a unique appeal that is far more affordable than its counterpart Gold.
And remember before Gold became so popular! Silver was rare and the scarcity of this precious metal made it very desirable to all those that seek something shiny. Silver resources are quite abundant at the moment which is why it is now cheaper than Gold.
But as the need for technological advancement and the medical industry increases. This could find that Silver stocks becoming low again.
Please leave me a comment below to simply discuss this interesting topic! Let me know whether you have any questions I can help with.
Written by
Erica Golding
Great work!
Thanks very much! I am glad you enjoyed the article!
I actually come across your article yesterday. Funny that I am coming across it again haha. But after seeing your article, I went to do my research and I saw that this piece of jewelry is actually valuable. Now my question to you is where can I find this piece of jewelry. I would love to get some for my partner.
Hello Daniel, Thanks very much for your message! Did you see my menu of jewellery items on my website
I am still in the process of adding sterling silver jewellery that I design and produce, plus a selection of other produced jewellery plus some antiques. Also if you wanted to email me at I could design something specifically for your partner. Or alternatively, add yourself to my mailing list and I will keep you updated on my work. Thanks again
A very intriguing article! I enjoyed learning about the history of silver, all quite new to me, hence your article was very educational. The detail you go into regarding the uses of silver is amazing. I sometimes take Colloidal Silver, just for general health, so it’s good to learn here about that too.
I own a few pieces of silver jewellery, most were gifts. One thing I struggle with is cleaning them. Do you have any handy tips.
Hello Pam,
Thanks so much for your message. How long have you been taking Colloidal Silver? Yes, it has been notably on the market for about 15 years now, and still not too many people know about it.
There are a few ways to clean silver. One way is to purchase an ultrasonic cleaner, which can be fairly reasonably priced and they work well because they do not scratch the silver and are safe for most gemstones, except pearls and opals or any soft stones.
You can also get a jewelry polishing cloth and polish, which is really effective for pieces that are larger in size.
Thanks again
This sounds like a stock I need to invest in. I never knew Sterling silver was dominantly silver. I know it would take more than its worth but at 94 cents per gram melting down the silverware is going to be the way to make money when the value returns to the way it was in the 80s. Using silver for medicine is something I did not know about. What illnesses did Silver treat?
Hello Alex,
Thanks so much for your comments! Yes, silver is certainly a sound investment, however, a lot of silverware is only plated! To find solid silver flatware would absolutely be a huge return in value, but I would imagine the antiquity value for something solid would outway the value of melting. It is definitely forecasted that silver will be in high demand for electronics and medicine.
Silver is a natural antiseptic, so it helps with stopping the spread of most germs and bacterias like fungal or it also just aids in the healing of a wound by keeping germs at bay.
I appreciate your time in reading my article.
Many thanks
Thank you for sharing this article- What is Sterling Silver Jewelry- Is it valuable? I love sterling silver jewelry, I have found some classy pieces that I truly appreciate. Gold is also nice but more costly, hence my reason for choosing sterling silver over gold. Silver is more popular and definitely more affordable
Hello Diana,
Thanks so much for your thoughts on my article. Yes, sterling silver is definitely classy and very affordable.
I will be adding more sterling silver to my website shop, so be sure to check in and take a look at my range.
Thanks again
Beautiful rare things I love it. Good continuation
Thanks so much! I really appreciate your valued opinions.
I do for sure find rare things.
Kind regards
Nice beautiful jewellery I like it I wish you can add more thanks
Thanks so much for your lovely comment. I am adding more jewelry soon.
I am still building my website and I aim to add jewelry every week.
Kind regards
Hello Erica , Your article provides a comprehensive overview of Sterling Silver jewelry, I like that you highlight its historical significance, composition, and diverse applications. By elucidating its value both in terms of craftsmanship and intrinsic worth, You underscore the enduring appeal of Sterling Silver in the modern era. Your insights into the potential investment value and future market trends offer valuable considerations for both collectors and enthusiasts alike. Well done.
Hello Ela, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on my article about describing sterling silver jewellery. Yes for some people they actually do not understand the differences in metals, and just because a metal appears shiny silver does not mean it is authentic silver. There are some key unique qualities that silver has over other base metals, which make it so precious and in high demand.
Silver jewellery is indeed a wise investment for anyone interested in collecting individualized crafted designs that will become heirlooms for the future generations. And indeed silversmithing is a rare talent that takes many years to master, because of the vast diverse techniques that are used producing works of wearable art.
Kind regards
Erica Golding
Hello Erica,
Thank you for this comprehensive exploration of Sterling Silver jewellery! Your historical insights into silver’s ancient uses and its journey through various civilisations are fascinating. I appreciate how you have detailed the composition of Sterling Silver and its enduring value, not just as jewellery but also in photography, electronics and modern medicine.
The information about its antibacterial properties and current market value adds a practical perspective. It is clear that Sterling Silver’s appeal lies not just in its aesthetic qualities but also in its versatility and potential as an investment. Looking forward to more insights from Silverflamze!
Hello Starlight,
Thanks so much for your kind review of my discussion about Sterling Silver Jewellery and is it valuable? I find it fascinating where silver is being used, especially in electronics and medicine as I mentioned, yes for sure it is quiet unique in that sense.
Pure silver being 99.9 radiates a very high white light frequency as well which can protect a humans energy aura!
I will be continuing to research silver as it is my personal passion, so be sure to subscribe to our newsletter and I will keep you updated on new science.
Wishing you all the best 🙂
Kind regards
“Amazing content, very helpful!”
Thanks so much Munna, I really appreciate your kind thoughts 🙂
Kind regards